Monday, June 17, 2013

What is Messy Buns and Comfy Pants?

Hi! My name is Molly Renee, otherwise known as Little Miss Molly, an internet name I fashioned for myself, from a nickname my uncle gave me when I was younger, Little Missy. I have decided to create this blog to share with you, the person reading this, and my future self, not only my likes and dislikes, but also my take on the world. On this blog I will talk about make-up, fashion, and other girly shit alot (also I swear so...) but I will also share with you my opinions and my feelings. As I am a very opinionated person, but also a very good debater, I love to discuss these things thoroughly, so if you have any conflicting opinions, you can leave them in the comments of the post in question, as I'm sure some of my opinions will raise hell.
Now, onto you're main question, "If this is a fashion blog, why does your title sound so lazy?" Simple, because that's what I am. I'm lazy and a self described procrastinator. I love to lounge around in sweat pants, and I alost always have my hair in some kind of bun, as it's too wavy to look good in a ponytail, and half-up, half-down up-dos make me look like a human/shih tzu mix. My favorite is the topknot.
Next you're asking why comfy pants? Another thing my uncle proclaimed when he came to Thanksgiving in sweat pants. "This is to fat a day for jeans!" he said as he ate more turkey than my mother and I combined, and since that day I call my comfy bottoms, comfy pants.
So here we go a blog where I can share my thoughts and opinions on pretty much anything, and I hope you enjoy the ride just as much as I do. Let me know what you want to see (reviews, favorites, hauls, fotd, ootd, etc.) and I'll be happy to fulfill your wishes (within reason of course :P). I shall be back in the next few days with my first real post, so until then...
Ta-ta Dah-ling!
-Molly <3

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